WA Live in Rotterdam

WA Live in Rotterdam

Get Set for Workboat series 5! Join us at Get Set for Workboat 2050 in Rotterdam The Workboat Association is partnering with Seawork and the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners for the Get Set for Workboat 2050 conference on 27th March in Rotterdam. VIEW PROGRAMME HERE Chairing this 1-day event is Workboat Association CEO, Kerrie Forster who will […]

WA AGM 2024

WA AGM 2024

This years event will take place once more at the Oulton Hall, Leeds on 18th/19th November 2024. Find everything you need to know, right here in this handy event newsletter:

The Workboat Association Celebrates it’s 30th Anniversary

The Workboat Association Celebrates it’s 30th Anniversary

On 9th September, 165 members and guests of the Workboat Association boarded the City Cruises vessel ‘Erasmus’ at Tower Bridge London, to enjoy a celebratory sunset cruise of the Thames. Established in 1994, following the suggestion for a code of practice for Workboats in the UK, the Workboat Association was formed of 6 members, to […]

WA Safety Stats 2023 released

WA Safety Stats 2023 released

The Workboat Association Safety Statistics 2023 are available. Thank you to the 184 vessels that submitted their statistics for 2023, you can see the report here: (Please note: 2022 Safety Data has not been published due to not enough data being received to provide a fair indication of safety statistics for the period.)

Emma Maunder wins the 2024 John Percival Memorial Award for best industry trainee

Emma Maunder wins the 2024 John Percival Memorial Award for best industry trainee

On 12th June 2024 at Seawork, the Workboat Association announced Emma Maunder of Cattewater Harbour Commissioners winner of the John Percival Memorial Award 2024 for best industry trainee. A representative panel of the WA membership was put together to agree on this years winner, based on nominations received. The panel consisted of representatives from each […]

Seawork: WA Dinner Quiz Winners 2024!

Seawork: WA Dinner Quiz Winners 2024!

Who won this years coveted (imaginary) trophy of being the brainiest bunch within the workboat industry? This year, 168 diners battled it out to win the crown of superiority within the industry, kindly sponsored by Carmet Tug Company, and there were actually 2 winning tables, with many not so far behind them either. *Full results […]

BBC Radio: Coracle takes apprenticeships to ex-offenders

BBC Radio: Coracle takes apprenticeships to ex-offenders

Coracle is a Cambridge based Edtech firm that provides specialist Virtual Learning Environments. “Digital literacy is a right.” We believe that digital skills open up new opportunities. We want to help every prisoner increase their digital know-how and improve their life chances. There is a growing digital divide, one that is creating new challenges for prisoners […]

Anger at Seawork over Workboat Code 3

Anger at Seawork over Workboat Code 3

Anger over MCA coding rules 14 JUNE 2023 BY MARITIME JOURNAL – Jake Frith .   Anger at MCA consultation process spills over at conference – with accusations that the MCA is not communicating over coding that could have disastrous consequences for small workboats. There was standing room only at the UK’s Maritime & Coastguard […]

WA Seawork Dinner Quiz!

WA Seawork Dinner Quiz!

Smiles and good food at this year’s annual WA Seawork Dinner   It was a fantastic night for the 150 people that attended ‘The Grand’ in Southampton on 14th June. As ever, the food was delicious and the entertainment ‘The Illusionists’ were brilliant! Thank you very much to the evening’s sponsors: CTRL Marine Solutions, ShipOwners […]

Maritime Safety Week 2023

Maritime Safety Week 2023

Maritime Safety Week 2023 is announced: 3rd – 7th July. Maritime Minister, Rt Hon. Baroness Vere, has written to industry today to explain more. How will you get involved?   230531 – Letter from Baroness Vere – Maritime Safety Week

The Workboat Association at Seawork 23

The Workboat Association at Seawork 23

The programme list is building up fast ready for Seawork 2023. You can visit the Seawork conference schedule, including a the MCA’s talk on Workboat Code 3 on Tuesday 13th June, here: Seawork Schedule   Here is the Workboat Association programme:

WA Quarterly meetings

WA Quarterly meetings

This week we hosted The Workboat Association Safety Forum, Training and Technical Workgroups in London at The Seafarers’ Charity and the Port of London Authority respectively. Actions and highlights taken from the meetings include; To create guidance on charitable aid available to companies and seafarers, A new safety tool idea to launch at Seawork, The […]