6th – 10th July 2020
See daily scenarios updated at the bottom of page
This year the Workboat Association is hosting an ‘Emergency Preparedness Challenge’, every day during the week we will be choosing an Emergency Drill Scenario based on 5 of the ISM Code’s ‘7 elements to be included in an Emergency Response Plan; Potential emergency situations should be identified in the plans, including, but not limited to, the
following main groups of emergency:
.1 Fire
.2 Damage to the ship
.3 Pollution
.4 Unlawful acts threatening the safety of the ship and the security of its passengers and crew
.5 Personnel accidents
.6 Cargo related accidents
.7 Emergency assistance to other ships
We invite all members and friends to join us in the challenge and we look forward to seeing your photos and videos of your drills (whether it is on board or ashore). You can either post them on our dedicated LinkedIn posts or send them via: chiefexecutive@workboatassociation.org
Each morning we will describe the day’s emergency response scenario via email and LinkedIn.
Letter from Kelly Tolhurst, UK Maritime Minister: Maritime Safety Week ’20
Best regards, we look forward to hearing from you soon!
Kerrie Forster
Chief Executive Officer
The Workboat Association
Monday’s Emergency Scenario:
1: Fire
“You can smell smoke coming from one of the vessel’s main engines, the top of the engine covering is very hot to touch, the fire alarm quickly activates making you aware that there is indeed a fire…”
Tuesday’s Emergency Scenario:
5. Personal Injury
“The Master of the vessel loses balance but manages to catch their fall, in doing so they believe they have broken their wrist and they are in great agony…”
Wednesday’s Emergency Scenario:
3. Pollution
“You arrive at your vessel ready to start the day’s operations, you notice there is a lot of oil in the water surrounding your boat and your neighbours – but where has it come from?…”
Thursday’s Emergency Scenario:
.7 Emergency assistance to other ships
“Whilst steaming back to your berth you see a small speed boat with 2 adults and 2 children on board waving at you to get attention, after maneuvering closer to the vessel – the family inform you that their engine has stopped working and they are quickly drifting out to sea…”
Friday’s Emergency Scenario:
.2 Damage to the ship
“When coming alongside a larger vessel at anchor in the estuary; your vessel makes sharp contact with a solid protrusion from the larger vessels hull, a dent and a hole has been made to your vessel just above the water line…”