This notice has been created together with the Belgian Maritime Inspectorate (BMI).
Dated 28.10.2019
The following allowances are accepted for UK coded Workboats operating in Belgian waters;
- UK Coded Workboats are still permitted to work in Belgian waters, meanwhile the Belgian and UK governments will be in communication to discuss a possible agreement ensuring the continuity of operations following Brexit; separate to an EU deal.
- Only ‘Classed’ vessels certified to IACS99 (see link) by a recognised RO are permitted to work in Belgian waters.
- Single person operations are at no times permitted in Belgian waters.
- The minimum Master CoC accepted in Belgian waters is a Commercially Endorsed Yacht Master Offshore.
- Vessels planning to operate in Belgian waters should first inform the Belgian Maritime Inspectorate of their intentions prior to arrival via:
As of this date, the carriage of Industrial Personnel is not permitted at any times in Belgian waters – though, the BMI are currently strongly considering to make the necessary regulatory changes to allow for these operations to take place. Completion is aimed for 2020, the Workboat Association is in contact with the BMI and will work with them to keep members informed of any developments regarding this matter.