Welcome new members 

You should now have received your membership pack via the post, this includes;

  • A welcome letter from the WA Chairman, Richard Brooks
  • A copy of the currently adopted constitution
  • Membership sticker(s) depending on the number of coded workboats you own

You may also be wondering how to start getting involved with our activity?

1. WA on demand

There is a members-only, on demand service you can reach via our website “WA on demand”, to gain access, simply click on the button to register on the system (takes 1 work day).

Here you can catch-up with meetings you may have missed and gain direct access to important Good Practice Guides without the need to download or print hard copies. It is our intention in the near future to link the new service to historically relevant Safety Notices and offer a one-stop shop for those looking to research industry best practice or refresh their memory.

2. Events and mailing

By clicking on the ‘Calendar’ page on our website you can see any upcoming events which are available to all members, external events will be shared via the monthly newsletter that you will be automatically sent. Any colleagues wishing to receive emails and newsletters from the WA can do so by registering here

3. People – meet and talk to us!

To learn more about the team behind the Workboat Association, see here

4. Spread the message

  • Join us (follow us) on Linkedin and Twitter
  • Let others know via social media that you have become a member, see example
  • Start using the taglines: #workboats #workboatassociation in your social media posts
  • Use our logo on your website and letter footers or in your commercial tenders: (Download the WA logo in multiple formats here)
  • Stick the WA stickers in your office and on board your vessels
  • Hang your membership certificate on your office wall

5. Help us keep the World aware of the Workboat Industry

Share with us your favourite company images or videos that you would be happy for us to share further. We often need good quality photos for use in our documents, for sharing with Government or similar organisations to use in their work. We are regularly asked to provide media for strategy documents, regulatory documents, campaigns and guidance. The more diverse our collection becomes the more opportunity we have as a sector to get our industry into the spotlight. Email your images to: communications@workboatassociation.org

6. Be featured in our monthly interviews

You can email Danielle if you fancy being featured in our monthly ‘Member Profile’ interviews, see an example here.

Finally, if you have any questions or there is a particular activity or sector of which you wish to learn more about, please contact us via: admin@workboatassociation.org

7. Interact with our stakeholders

The Workboat Association works closely with, and are members of, a number of organisations that we promote you to engage with:

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Kerrie, Jacqui, Gareth, Danielle, Richard and Lys