SGRE have been recently awarded Affiliate Membership of the Workboat Association for dedication and services to the Association. Two of the SGRE team ‘Kenneth Coughlan and Steven Myers’ who have been working closely with the WA over a number of years tell us more about the their team and SGRE.
“Identifying and addressing areas for development and engagement, as well as supporting the wider SGRE Service business in delivering safe and effective logistic solutions. In simple terms you can think of us as an internal consultancy to the SGRE Service business“.
- Who are Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and the Maritime and Aviation Solutions team?
Siemens Gamesa are a global technological leader in the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of wind turbines. The Maritime and Aviation Solutions team work within the Service business unit supporting all things vessel and helicopter related.
- Who are the main points of contact for the Workboat Association?
Depending on the topic you may talk to a few of us in the Maritime and Aviation Solutions team. For example, Hugo Cook and Zak Brockman support primarily on operational and safety topics, around our experiences in offshore operations and relating to best practice in the industry. However, if it’s a more technical discussion on future propulsion or vessel design you’re likely to be talking to Kenneth Coughlan as one of our resident Naval Architects.
- What are the team’s backgrounds before SGRE?
As a team we’re diverse, not least because we sit in many countries, be it the UK, Spain, Germany, Denmark and now even Taiwan too. We have people from many backgrounds; naturally some of us come from working offshore, either within the wind industry or from wider afield; others are more technical in their experience having studied and worked in the engineering side of the industry; some of the team are more project management focussed. The blend of experience makes us a formidable team in terms of identifying and addressing areas for development and engagement, as well as supporting the wider SGRE Service business in delivering safe and effective logistic solutions. In simple terms you can think of us as an internal consultancy to the SGRE Service business.
- What does SGRE’s relationship with the Workboat Association provide?
In general, our relationship with the marine industry, our suppliers and partners, is critical to both our growth and how we succeed; as a business and as an industry. Whether it be discussing, developing and adopting the latest best practice or discussing the market and technological developments, the Workboat Association is seen as a key partner in this process.
- What is in the pipeline for SGRE?
Development and leadership. As a wider business our product portfolio is developing at the fore-end of the market in terms of the turbine design, the service packages we provide and the markets we work within. Our logistic solutions are vital to support this, we strive to lead the industry in safe operations and the emergence of new technology in the support of future logistics. Each project brings with it a specific set of requirements and expectations, whether near or far-shore, and it is up to us to ensure we have the right logistic mix to fit the need; whether that be something from the existing market, such as a CTV or SOV, or something altogether new and exciting. This is another reason for our contact with, and support of, the Workboat Association – which is why it is so important to us.
- What hobbies do you have when you aren’t busy working?
With a diverse workforce comes a diverse set of hobbies; whether surfing on Tynemouth beach or tinkering with an old outboard motor, or even stealing some time from the busy work/life balance to play video games! We’ll let you try to guess whose hobby is whose!