In this month’s Newsletter we are getting to know Danielle Metcalfe, who has recently joined the Workboat Association on a part-time basis whilst also working for Carmet Tug Company…
What is your career background?
After leaving school I went to Liverpool Hope University to study teaching and after 3 years I decided to tell my parents that teaching wasn’t for me. As you can imagine, this didn’t go down to well! This is where my career turned towards general administration work and where I spent most of my years. I worked for the NHS for quite a while where I got into marketing & communications and realised that I really enjoyed it and felt like I was actually good at something. This led me to where I am now…
I’ve been in the Maritime sector since joining Carmet in 2019 – a few of you probably recognise my surname… My husband is Josh Metcalfe, and my Father-in-Law is Brett Metcalfe, Directors of Carmet. Josh passed over my details to Kerrie at the WA, knowing how much I enjoy this line of work, and this is how I have ended up working for them!
What excites you most about working for the Workboat Association?
As mentioned above, I really enjoy the marketing and communications side of things and getting quite creative with digital and design work – I am not an expert in this field, but I like to think I have lots of ideas! I’m hoping I become an asset to the team and can make a difference to their work.
I also have the opportunity to see the Maritime sector from a different perspective, which I find really interesting. I love learning and expanding my knowledge.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
I don’t have as much free-time as I used to – as we had a baby in June 2022, so she takes up a lot of our attention! We do like to do things as a family or go walking. She is a very nosy baby so we’re lucky that she loves to get out and about and see the world. She’s already been on her first holiday abroad and we’re hoping to do a lot more of this throughout the year!
I’m a big Liverpool FC supporter, although this doesn’t feel great to say at the moment (if you follow football, you will know that Liverpool are not having a great spell).
I look forward to having the opportunity to work with many of you along the way.