Guidance and Best Practice from Industry and Regulators
“Please note that as of 15.07.2020 the bi-weekly meeting will stop routine organisation, though should there be need to re-hold a meeting or if the current situation or controls change; a meeting will be re-scheduled”
Listed here you will find a number of Recommendations, Guidance, Best Practice and Governmental Advice linked to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic. It should be remembered that it is imperative to follow the local Governments advice at all times and any information contained within this document is subject to change as the research surrounding the virus develops.
If you are aware of any information that you believe should be captured within this update, please contact us here
New* :
International Organisations:
International Maritime Organization
International Labour Organization
- Information note on maritime labour issues and coronavirus (COVID-19) See specifically Paragraph 12 – Seafarer travel
World Health Organization (WHO)
European Commission
- The Green Lane Guidelines for border management measures to protect health and ensure the availability of goods and essential services
European Union
- Healthy Maritime Gateways document (see section 2)
Denmark – Current information from the Danish authorities about COVID-19
From the UK Government:
- HRH Princess Anne: Personal video of support to Seafarers
UK Government business support webinars;
Government departments are hosting a series of webinars to help businesses understand the support available:
- Supporting and retaining staff and the self-employed, register to attend future webinars or watch recorded sessions
- International trade, register here or watch recorded sessions
- Small businesses and changes to reporting, regulation and tax, watch recorded webinars
- BEIS, Business Department, 5th May: “Financial support for small businesses during coronavirus“
- DIT, Department for International Trade, a series of webinars. Topics include; accessing Government Loans, Grants and Schemes. Addressing HR, Supply chain and Employee challenges”
- Bounce Back Loans Scheme, 4th May. Announcement is available here:
- General enquiries to the MCA should be made via:
- MIN 611 (M+F) Guidance and information to follow in the event of COVID-19 outbreak impacting UK seafarer services
- MIN 612 (M+F) Corona virus (COVID-19) – MCA approach to survey and certification of UK vessels – Amendment 2
- MIN 613 (M) Navigation – vessel traffic services COVID-19 impact and safety measures
- MIN 614 (M+F) Corona virus (COVID-19) – UK Ship Register approach to registration services for UK Vessels
- MIN 615 (M) The Support for Maritime Training (SMarT) Fund During the COVID-19 Period
- MIN 616 M COVID 19 Minimising risk to ships’ crews and maritime sector workers
- MGN618 COVID 19 the reporting of occupational diseases
- MCA: MIN 622 (M+F) Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Use of alternative measures for the completion of surveys on internationally trading UK registered ships.
- MCA: MIN 623 (M+F) Coronavirus (COVID-19) – MCA approach to a phased return to survey and certification activity
- MCA: MIN 624 (M) The Extended Support for Maritime Training (SMarT) Fund During the COVID-19 Period – Extension
- MCA: MIN 632 (M) COVID- 19 Extension of Seafarer Employment Agreements – SEAs
- MIN 620 (M) Update on online oral exams and future issue of Notice of Eligibilities during the COVID-19 lockdown period
- Engineer Oral Examinations, the first to go online 11th May
- The UK Government’s COVID-19 Recovery Strategy
- New guidance launched to help get people safely back to work Webpage: Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer transport guidance for operators
- Foreign travel advice Advice about travelling abroad, including the latest information on coronavirus, safety and security, entry requirements and travel warnings.
- COVID-19: Guidance for employees, employers and businesses Continually updated advice page including official advice and poster materials
HM Treasury
- How to access governmental financial support if affected by COVID-19 To support businesses, the UK Gov. have available an initial £330bn of guarantees
- Applying for the coronavirus Future Fund
HM Revenue and Customs
- How to claim for your employee’s wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Registration now open
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Country Specific Travel advice, including auto-mail restriction change notifications
Dept. for Health and Social Care
- From now, essential workers can book tests for themselves and their household via a new online portal on
Public Health England
- Public Health England Employers advice poster
Department for Transport
- UK Maritime Minister Kelly Tolhurst MP will hold the first summit to address the impact of coronavirus on shipping crew changes.
- [Employee] Travel guidance for Employers
- Guidance for Transport Operators (not Maritime focused)
- Guidance for passengers (not Maritime focused)
- Extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Announcement
- Information on ‘Key Workers’ This includes those who will keep the air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport modes operating (see Transport)
Department for International Trade
“We advise you should now:
1. Visit the Business Support website for more information about these and additional measures and support available to your business. This website will continue to be updated with the latest information.
2. Pay particular attention to the guidance for employees, employers and businesses which is being updated regularly with the latest advice.
3. Read the guidance for UK businesses trading internationally.
4. Take steps to protect yourself and others.”
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
A £10 million financial assistance for Fishing and Aquaculture businesses
- Information for those traveling in and out of Ireland, including an exemption from Quarantine for Seafarers
From Industry:
Free Industry Webinar;
Marine Society: Online education in a post-Coronavirus maritime world – 1st June @ 11:00 UK
Workboat Association
- Industry Innovation Competition to raise safe pax levels on Workboats
- Information Note 01-20 IMCA Advice During Ongoing COVID-19 Situation
- Safety Flash 11-20 COVID-19 Update
Maritime UK
UK Chamber of Shipping
Society of Marine Industries
Institute for Apprenticeships
British Marine
- Press release 13th May, reopening of Marinas, Harbours and Boatyards
- Lessons learned from a COVID-19 case on board a vessel in the Offshore Renewables Industry
ORE Catapult
- UK Offshore Wind Industry: Survey results related to industry affects of COVID-19
International Chamber of Shipping
Maritime Skills Alliance
- Protecting specialist maritime training provision How do we correctly advise Government as to our needs?
- Guidance surrounding Apprenticeships during the COVID-19 pandemic – Apprentices are able to furlough
Seafarers UK
- COVID-19 Emergency Appeal Seafarers UK has released £100,000 of immediate funds to provide support to seafarers
SSI Energy
- COVID-19 Testing and Screening services for the Offshore industry
Safety 4 Sea
- COVID-19 on board vessels, free educational training videos for crew
Chirp Maritime Reports:
- 2020-04-20 – Trapped by COVID-19 – seafarers on board vessels
- 2020-04-17 – Seafarer wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 2020-04-07 – COVID-19 General Medical Advice
Seafarer Help
- Seafarer Helpline Free, confidential, multilingual helpline for seafarers and their families available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.
Ship Owners Club
- Coronavirus: meeting operational and regulatory requirements Practical information to avoiding unnecessary interruption and delays
- Seafarer training, certification and vessel coding contingency plan
One Ocean
- International COVID-19 Marine Guidance documentation library
Wilhelmsen Ships Agents
- Make the best of working from home Professor Stephen Heppell provides easy to use advice for those working from home
Squire Patton Boggs
Maritime Safety Forum
Maritime Journal
Energy Institute
- How a bow tie diagram can help fight COVID-19
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Seafarer wellness video Tapiit-Live COVID-19 Seafarer support video
- Interview Experience of international travel from Workboat Crew at Acta Marine during the COVID-19 lockdown
- Interview Workboat Magazine, Operator Golding Barge Line USA
- Toolbox talk video: Information video, virus transfer awareness (press the video to play)
- Information video: Information video, on board catering, cleaning and hygiene practices (press the video to play)